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Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 Windows 7

Hi,I have a workbook that contains a couple of Forms, one of which opens as a splash screen at the start, the other two for entering data in to a worksheet.The workbook work sfine for all bar one person across our group.Each time it is opened, it comes up with 'Error Loading DLL' and the most recent message was 'Automoation Error The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.' I have looked both of these up online.

The first indicated a missing reference which I know is Windows Common Controls 6. The other seems to be linked to inserting page breaks, which I am not using or requesting is code to happen, so can only think itis the same issue as the previous message.We tried downloading the missing reference and restarted the computer, but it doesn;t seem to stick. Each time the workbook crashes either before it loads the form if the project is protected, or it loads the frame of the form but no content if unprotected.I don't get any debug message with a line highlighted either so unclear what is causing the issue.Has anyone else come across this with forms? Any insight would be welcome as I am stumped. Particulalry as it works fine on other peoples PCs and even the same PC if someone other than the user who has the problem logs in to Windows instead.Thanks. Our IT support completed the updates as described on the link webpage but there is no difference.

Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 Windows 7 Download

DialogMicrosoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 Windows 7

Missing Microsoft Windows Common Controls 2 6.0 Sp6 Download

It always seem to be when a UserForm is loaded. I found a compile error which I believe I fixed but no joy.Even if we install the Windows Common Controls, still have the problem.The strange thing is that on the same PC, someone else can log in and open the same workbook with no problems. It is just this one user's login.I might ask a question on the Windows forum and see if that turns up results.Thanks. You misunderstood me.At min. One of your Userforms has (had) at min.